- Is there a boy in the classroom? 教室里有一位男孩吗?
- He is standing in the middle of the classroom. 他正站在教室中间。
- Is Peter in the classroom? 彼得在教室里吗?
- The blackboard is in the front of the classroom. 黑板在教室的前面。
- There isn't enough space in the classroom for thirty desks. 教室里放不下三十张桌子。
- The man studying in the classroom is my classmate. 那个正在教室里学习的人是我的同学
- I got sick of his smoking in the classroom. 我讨厌他在教室抽烟。
- There are eight students in the classroom. 教室里有八个学生。
- He is in the back of the classroom. 他在教室的后部。
- Make sure if he is in the classroom. 检查一下他是否在教室。
- She is speaking in the classroom. 她在教室里讲话呢。
- In the classroom there is no students now. 现在教室时里没有学生。
- I do not think he is in the classroom. 我认为他不在教室。
- How long were you by yourself in the classroom? 你独自一人在教室里多长时间了?
- Discipline in the classroom is very slack. 班里纪律十分松懈。
- Pandemonium reigned in the classroom until the teacher arrived. 教师来到之前教室里乱哄哄的。
- Little Davy is in the classroom. 小大卫在教室里。
- There is no one in the classroom. 教室里一个人也没有。
- There is nothing but a few chairs in the classroom. 教室里只有几把椅子。
- He sat in the classroom, daydreaming about the holidays. 他坐在教室里,幻想着度假。